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My Ayurvedic inspired spring cleanse guide!

A complete guide to building your own at home cleanse for spring inspired by the ancient and beautifully intuitive principles of ayurveda.

Feeling heavy and dull?

It's time to reset.

After all the charcuterie boards, mac and cheese, and yummy dense comfort food of Winter, are you feeling pretty gunked up and bogged down? 

Are you ready to slough off that Winter weight and stagnancy and feel light in your body and fresh in your mind and heart?

Are you interested in finding a process to do that in a gentle, progressive way that helps you make permanent changes to your mindset around how you care for your body?

Do you feel discouraged with trying different cleanses that are short, intense, and extreme that make you just want to go back to your comfort food and old habits as soon as it's over?


After 11 years of practicing Ayurveda and learning to flow with the seasons, there is nothing more impactful for my health for the WHOLE YEAR than doing a gentle Spring cleanse. This cleanse can be a week doing some more involved cleansing actions, or it can last the whole season by adding easy daily lifestyle practices and daily eating habit changes. 

Repeat after me

You are full of joy and vitality.
You are clear in your body and mind.
You are ready to create what you dreamed about in Winter.
You have all the energy you need and more to make these dreams come true. 

You are free of pain and all channels in your body are clean.

Julia Williams says:

Alexa is incredible! She has given me guidance and methods to follow that are unique to me & my specific health concerns and has allowed me to feel calm and confident in the steps that are required for me to move forward. I was in need of some assistance and understanding of my body for a long time and Alexa gave me just that while also making me feel seen and hopeful for a new chapter!

I want you to feel the amazing benefits of following this centuries old wisdom to reset your whole being, and I want you to be able to do this in a digestible way, with support, and on your own time.

You’ll know how to...


Eat during Spring and for your cleanse.


Incorporate daily Ayurvedic practices to your routine that help keep you balanced during this season and gently cleanse you at the same time.


Understand the natural elements at play during Spring with an imbalance checklist to figure out your biggest imbalances to focus on.


Also know a list of practices and food to avoid during this time.


Build your deeper cleanse with four big organ cleansing practices to do depending on your imbalances.


Lovingly and gently rejuvenate yourself post-cleanse.

Ok, so how do I get this guide?

The kind of knowledge contained in this guide is everything you need to support the type of cleanse you prefer to build for yourself, as well as the knowledge and wisdom about how to seasonally balance your health every year that you will hold forever more! 
And it's just $7. 

I just want you to feel the power of a clean body and mind, and the joy of knowing how to do this for yourself year after year. 


free bonus:

30 Minute support call!


Do you want extra support?!

I am here for you. When you buy the guide you can go ahead and book a totally free 30-minute support call to get any questions answered about how to build your cleanse, more in-depth understanding on any of these principles and practices, or ANYTHING at all you need extra support in.